Friday, 22 July 2011

Tax Credit Deadline – don’t save all your changes until 31st July!

As the Tax Credit Renewal deadline of 31st July fast approaches, I’d like to
re-iterate the importance of telling the Tax Credit office of changes to your circumstances at the time that they actually happen. 
Please don’t save them all up until the renewal pack falls on your door mat!

If you have any kind of change in your personal life, work/self employment or childcare please pick up the phone and call the Tax Credit office as soon as you possibly can. 
Leaving important changes to information until July could mean you are possibly being overpaid (a real nightmare) or that you are losing out on additional payments that you could be receiving at a time you need them most.

If you have not yet sent back your renewal form or given them a call please do so now. 

Remember: if you do not contact them your payments will STOP!

Call the Tax Credit Helpline NOW on:   0845 300 3900

Please also watch this great “Tell ‘Em” video from Martin Lewis too:

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